
Sustainable family business

Sustainability with economic, ecological and social aspects is firmly anchored in both our corporate culture and our corporate strategy. For us, sustainability means acting responsibly and with an eye to the future. 

Our focus in the area of sustainability includes the following activities:

  • We act in accordance with our values, our corporate policy and our Code of Conduct. (SDG United Nation, download)

  • We work actively and systematically on the efficient use of our raw materials, our capital and our know-how. (Rating according to NQC SAQ 4.0, EcoVadis and Integrity Next).

  • We are constantly improving our own footprint through efficient use of energy and materials and continuous reduction of waste, scrap and emissions. (Certified according to ISO 14001 since 2007).

  • We aim to use raw materials with the best environmental performance.

  • As a manufacturer of technical rubber molded parts, we are subject to the BimSchG with our quantity structures. The avoidance of environmental pollution and the conservation of resources are actively pursued through the involvement of all employees in the company's environmental protection.

  • We ensure progress and improvement of energy-related performance through targeted investments for the maintenance, modernization and further development of our plants and facilities. (Certified according to ISO 50001 since 2014).
  • We constantly strive to improve energy-related performance (consisting of energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption). This is done either by reducing the amount of energy used or by better use of the energy sources used.

  • We already purchase more than 50% CO2 of our electricity neutral. We have installed PV systems on all possible roof surfaces, which are designed for our own use.

  • We strive for CO2 neutrality. (Balancing according to GHG DIN EN ISO 14067 for Scope 1 and 2 available and Scope 3 under construction).

  • Together with our customers we are in the process of developing a reporting system for the CO2e determination of our products.

  • We support social activities in our region. This includes, for example, supporting the community foundation in Sundern and the WaldLokal support group (www.einsU.de, www.waldlokal.de, www.buergerstiftung-sundern.de).

  • We are part of the initiative to create and secure ethical standards for our procurement channels in the rubber industry (www.wdk.de).

Hüstener Straße 43-45 .  59846 Sundern/ Sauerland, Germany
Telephone +49 2933 9747-0 . Telefax +49 2933 9747-190
E-mail nflbk-vgtd